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Karen Treiger
Standing on the Crack: Legacy of Five Jewish Families from Seattle’s Gilded Age.
My Soul is Filled with Joy: A Holocaust story
About Karen Treiger
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Standing on the Crack Photos
My Soul is Filled with Joy Photos
My Soul is Filled with Joy Photos
Shlomo, Eugenuisz Stys and his son, Wojciech Stys.
Sam and Esther Goldberg.
Janina Golebiewska, the daughter of Halena and Aleksander Stys. Unfortunately Janina died in November of 2016.
Sam Goldberg and Shaya Schloss - DP Camp
Left side of table: Sam, Esther, Fay, Molly, Fay. Right side: Shaya and Faiga Schloss and ?
Esther Goldberg approx. 1946
Sam Goldberg approx. 1946
Treblinka sign and train tracks
Goldberg family approx. 1955
Warsaw - Esther in the market in Old Town.
Sam and Esther Goldberg.
Shlomo speaking at the palace
Shlomo at ceremony handing a flower to members of the Stys family
Yad Vashem Certificate of Honor (hand caligrafied by a Holocaust survivor)
Shlomo with Eugenuisz Stys
Kamila Maleszewska (Grzegorz's daughter)
Eugenuisz Stys
Shlomo speaking at the palace
Shlomo at ceremony
Shlomo speaking at Yad Vashem ceremony in Warsaw Palace
Shlomo Goldberg at ceremony
Back row: Shlomo and Aleksander Czyzewski. Front row: Grzegorz Maleszewski, Kamila Maleszewska and Eugenuisz Stys
Shlomo speaking to Polish TV reporter
Shlomo with members of the Stys Family.
Shlomo taking picture of Jozuf (Idul) Lis and his daughter Marta Lis
Medal given to Stys Family
Freeman High School, Spokane
Freeman High School, Spokane
Southside Community Center, Spokane, WA
Southside Community Center, Spokane, WA
Sam, Esther and Fay in DP Camp
Grzgorz Maleszewski in forest where Sam and Esther hid in pit.
Shlomo in Stoczek
Jan Stys and family
Treblinka train tracks
Sam Goldberg approx. 1945
Shmuel Rajzman. Sam had this picture in his walllet since liberation and had it in his wallet the day he died.
Shoshana and Shlomo under Bagatele sign
Shoshana, Jack, Karen, Elisheva, Micha, Esther, Shlomo after swimming in the Bug River
Pre-war house in Stoczek
Karen and Shlomo talking to Eugenuisz Stys in his home.
Shlomo and I laying on the hay in the Stys barn where Sam and Esther hid.
Treblinka memorial.
Micha at Treblinka.
Treblinka today - memorial stones representing whole communities that were murdered here.
A painting of a Jew counting his money. Poles buy these paintings and hang them on the walls of their homes for good luck - especially with their mon
More Jewish figurines.
Some of the wooden Jewish figures of Jews one can buy at tourists shops in Poland. They are good luck charmes.
Statue of Dr. Janusz Korzczak, whose birth name was Henryk Goldszmit. He was the proprietor of the Warsaw Jewish Orphanage. He had the opportunity t
Esther, Elisheva, Shoshana, Aleksander, Jack and Micha standing before the remnant of the Warsaw ghetto wall.
Shlomo with Grzgorz's 101 year old grandfather.
Birkenau - cattle car used to bring victims to Birkenau.
Birkenau - Entrance Gate
Birkenau - toilette
Birkenua - Entrance Gate and railroad tracks.
Auschwitz - Bunker 11 - Place of First Killing Experiment with gas.
Auschwitz - Arbeit Macht Frei - Work Makes You Free.
Karen sitting with Grzegor's grandmother in their home.
Shlomo saying thank you to the Stys family.
Helena Stys's home.
Home of Helena Stys. This is the pre-war home where Esther first arrived in September of 1942 after surviving the round up in Stoczek.
Warsaw - Umschlagplatz Memorial. The author stepped through the crack in the wall to see the large space on the other side.
Eugenuisz Stys, Grzegorz Maleszewski, and Shlomo walking through the forest to the pit.
Shlomo, Adam, Elzbieta, Alesander, Jack and Karen in a Kosher restaurant in Warsaw.
The forest pit.
Granddaughter of Jan Stys.
Shlomo and Janina Golebiewska, the daughter of Halena and Aleksander Stys.
Gawel - our videographer in Stys home.
Treblinka - Jack and Elisheva stand before the death pit memoria
Warsaw - Umschlagplatz Memorial - place where Warsaw Jews were forced to gather before deportation by train to Treblinka.
Treblinka - Shlomo, Esther, Elisheva, Jack and Shoshana.
Treblinka - Elisheva reading part of Sam's story.
Treblinka - Memorial Stone for the Jews of Stoczek.
Jack standing at the place of the Kwiatek Soda Factory.
Stork in nest. Thousands of storks make their home in Poland during the summer months.
Grzegorz, Micha, Shoshana, Elisheva, Esther, Jack at place of Kwiatek Soda Factory with Stork and nest in background.
Grzegorz, Micha, Shoshana, Elisheva, Esther and Jack standing in the place of the Kwiatek Soda Factory.
Pre-war home in Stoczek
Lot where Kwiatek Soda Factory Stood
Shlomo, Shoshana, Grzegorz and his grandfather in his home.
Pre-war home in Stoczek
Shlomo standing next to grave of Helena and Aleksander Stys at the Stoczek Christian Cemetery
Marcin, Micha and Shlomo in Stoczek Christian cemetery
Church in Stoczek
Stoczek - Fragments of tomb stones from Jewish cemetery.
Stoczek - Shlomo standing in the place where the Jewish cemetery used to be.
Micha, Shoshana and Grzegorz's son.
Eugenuisz Stys and his son, Wojciech Stys.
Warsaw - exiting Old Town.
Warsaw - Jewish cemetery. Shlomo standing next to statue of Dr. Janusz Korzczak, aka Henryk Goldszmit.
Krakow - Micha and Shlomo in a gentrified alley where some scenes from Schindler's List was filmed.
Krakow - Jewish Community Center - JCC
Krakow - Memorial stone wall outside of Rama Synagogue.
Joanna Millick and Grzegorz Maleszewski in the Bug River.
Krakow - Synagogue of Rabi Moshe Isserlis - the Rama.
Krakow - the Synagogue of Rabbi Moshe Isserlis - the Rama.
Krakow - Rabbi Moshe Isserlis - the Rama - Grave.
Krakow - Birkat Habayit - Blessing of the Home - outside a Jewish-themed restaurant.
Krakow - Menu from a Jewish-themed restaurant.
Krakow - Menu at Jewish themed restaurant.
Krakow - Esther in front of the restaurant - Ester
Krakow - Picture of Chasidic looking Jews playing music inside the Klezmer Hoise.
Krakow - Poster - COME TO PALESTINE - in Klezmer Hoise.
Krakow - Shlomo, Micha and Esther in front of Klezmer Hoise.
Elisheva, Shoshana and Esther with the old woman we saw on the side of the road in Bagatele, who turned out to be the mother of the friendly farmer.
Krakow - Jewish -themed restaurant - Ariel.
Warsaw - Polin Museum. Family with the tour guide standing between Jack and Shlomo in back row.
Sam, Esther, Shlomo, Molly and Fay
Shlomo standing in the remnants of the pit where his parents lived in the forest.
Esther and Fay - DP Camp
Alina and Eugenuisz Stys
Eugenuisz Stys leading us towards the forest pit.
Stys and Goldberg family members standing outside barn where Sam, Esther and Chaim hid during war.
Grzgorz Maleszewski in Barn where Sam and Esther hid
Treblinka - Jack.
Treblinka - Elisheva standing next to Stoczek memorial stone.
Treblinka - memorial stones - each stone represents an entire community murdered here.
Treblinka - Shoshana and Micha
Moishe Zablotsky with son - Shevach; Sam with Fay - DP camp.
Treblinka - Ring found sown in clothing by Sam and worn by Esther during her life, returns to Treblinka on the author's finger.
Fay, Shlomo and Molly approx. 1956
Fay and Esther - DP Camp
Goldberg Family approx. 1958
Sam Goldberg at DP camp
Treblinbka Memorial.
Velvel and Norma Schneidman, Sam, Esther and Fay DP Camp
Old woman, mother of farmer, in Bagatele.
Shlomo with two farmers in Bagatele
Mishler Family - New York. Woman in frong on right - the Tante Shosha; man - front on left - Phil Mishler who sponsored Sam, Esther and Fay